Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Three Laws of Performance

I recently finished reading “The Three Laws of Performance,” by Steve Zaffron and Dave Logan, and although I have read many books on leadership, this book, and this approach, is different.

In The Three Laws of Performance the focus shifts from trying to fix problems, as has been the traditional approach in business and in life, to a focus on transforming companies, and in so doing, increase performance results to heights never before seen in your company, and in your life.

There are a number of excellent examples of companies that have been transformed by using The Three Laws of Performance in the book, which has also received endorsements by several world leaders as a result of what they have been able to accomplish in company towns.

In a couple of exceptional and powerful examples in the book, companies took on the challenge of changing an entire community, given the manner in which the company was the community and vice versa. Using The Three Laws of Performance communities with diametrically opposed cultures have found a way of shaping a new and powerful future, where none existed in the past.

Steve Zaffron & Dave Logan have found a way of correlating their Three Laws of Performance into three core leadership attributes that are both simple and complex, but they require courage to implement.

The Three Laws of Performance and the Leadership Corollaries are:

The First Law of Performance:

- How people perform correlates to how situations occur to them.

Leadership Corollary 1:

- Leaders have a say, and give others a say, in how situations occur.

Second Law of Performance:

- How a situation occurs arises in language.

Leadership Corollary 2:

- Leaders master the conversational environment.

Third Law of Performance:

- Future-based language transforms how situations occur to people.

Leadership Corollary 3:

- Leaders listen for the future of their organization.

Obviously, it’s not enough for me to merely point out these laws of performance and their corresponding leadership traits, and I know, even in writing this, that I have fallen far short of my objective of inspiring you to want to read this book.

So, I’m encouraging you, challenging you, to go beyond my writing in this instance and read the book, if you want to be a part of a truly exceptional and successful business, and life for that matter.

Steve Zaffron and Dave Logan have helped to successfully transform many companies that found themselves “stuck” in a rut of mediocre performance, and you can do the same.

Isn’t that prospect worth $20.00 or $30.00 at Barnes & Noble?

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